Friday, March 6, 2009


Wow do I miss singing. Today at work, quiet office of about 70 people, cubes, etc. myself and two coworkers were talking about the tv show E.R. This conversation made me think of my favorite song played at the end of the "Dr. Green dying of cancer episode".

I googled the song title, LOVE GOOGLE!, and played the song for my coworkers. Couldn't play it loud because we work in an office. This made one of the women weepy so I told her I have a song to chear her up.


Well, this got the "Oooh, turn that off before we get in trouble." response.
How sad. I miss music in the workplace. Some of you know I was an elementary school teacher for 15 years. We sang every day. Everyone should sing every day! The sillier the song the better.

Every five years we get together for a Family Reunion with our relatives from Germany. One of the crazy traditions started was "Pass the Dime". How this came about I do not know, but what happens is a dime is given to a person and they have to sing a song in front of everyone. For some reason we stand on a chair.
A lot of times it is a children's song they recall from many years ago. Who doesn't love singing a children's song? I, and most of my family, are horrible singers. But nobody can mess up a children's song. And the feeling you get from singing can't be replaced by many things. Especially singing along with so many other voices.
I thinkI am going to pop in one of my old CDs from my teaching days and dream of being in a better place.


Random Thinker said...

Love the rainbow song... could have done without the bullfrog song. But you know me.

The dime song comes from German Club initiation remember.... "Mein hut, er hat drei ecken, drei ecken hat mein hut..."

Breezy said...

Ah, I do remember that. German Club geeks are definately geekier than Band Geeks!

Random Thinker said...

Says you.