Friday, December 26, 2008

My son is 10 years old, soon to be 11. He is the youngest on both sides of our family. And he still says things that crack us up.While driving not long ago he was telling me how they were discussing in school what their nationality was. He then asked "What's dad again Jalapeno? He meant to say Filipino.

His oldest sister is 20 and working so he assumed, correctly, that his sister would buy him a Christmas present. He asked her what she got him and when he failed to get an answer asked her to tell him at least how much she spent on him. She then asked him what he bought her for Christmas. He answered, "I'm giving you a bucket of brother love."

My son tends to show his charming side. I do not know if this is a good thing or not. It certainly can be used to his advantage but as his mother I want to make sure he has a pure heart.There is a little girl a few streets over that has been in love with him for about 2 years. For a while they were "dating". I told him he was way too young to have a girlfriend and he answered "Don't worry Mom, she's way more into it than I am.

He recently had sex ed in school and came home telling me about way more then I remember learning in 5th grade. Since when do they talk about wet dreams in sex ed? We had a pretty open discussion along with my 16 year old daughter and then she started complaining about us possibly moving to Texas. My son pipes in and says"Well, why don't you get pregnant so you'll have something to remember him by?"AHHHHH!

That was only funny later.

There are times I regret that he is my last child. I will miss some of the things kids say as they try to figure out this crazy world.

1 comment:

Random Thinker said...

How many times do I have to tell you that you ARE NOT moving to Texas... SHEESH.