Saturday, March 21, 2009

A Week From Hell

Well, it has been one horrible week and I am glad it is over. We had 20 lay offs. I was worried it was me for a while but then discovered I was safe.
It is difficult to be so happy you are not losing your job but know that some very valuable people are.
Then there are the people that you wonder why they were still around anyway.
A lot of different emotions to deal with.

I also took my first midterm in a lot of years. I love being back in school. I love the smell of schools. But I was so stressed out over this test that makes up only 10% of my grade. I even figured out if I totally flunked it I would still have a B in the class.
Well, after postponing the test for a few days I finally went in to take it and of course it was not as bad as I thought.

Met with friends at the bar tonight. It is always nice to relax with people you care about. I just wish my husband would get home. I am tired of him working out of state but know with the economy this may last for a while.

Miss you honey!

Sunday, March 8, 2009


Well, First of all, don't know what happened but after figuring out how to embed a video in my blog it put my profile info and such on the bottom of the page. I'll try to fix that later.

My neice is getting married. This is very exciting for us all since we are an unusually close family.
She has asked both my daughters to stand up in her wedding which when they received a very cute card asking them they both broke down in tears which caused my husband to even tear up.
Been looking at wedding ideas online(hate to think how crazy I will be involved when my own daughters get married) and ran across this cute video I had to share.

Thank you my favorite neice for letting us share this special time with you!


Friday, March 6, 2009


Wow do I miss singing. Today at work, quiet office of about 70 people, cubes, etc. myself and two coworkers were talking about the tv show E.R. This conversation made me think of my favorite song played at the end of the "Dr. Green dying of cancer episode".

I googled the song title, LOVE GOOGLE!, and played the song for my coworkers. Couldn't play it loud because we work in an office. This made one of the women weepy so I told her I have a song to chear her up.


Well, this got the "Oooh, turn that off before we get in trouble." response.
How sad. I miss music in the workplace. Some of you know I was an elementary school teacher for 15 years. We sang every day. Everyone should sing every day! The sillier the song the better.

Every five years we get together for a Family Reunion with our relatives from Germany. One of the crazy traditions started was "Pass the Dime". How this came about I do not know, but what happens is a dime is given to a person and they have to sing a song in front of everyone. For some reason we stand on a chair.
A lot of times it is a children's song they recall from many years ago. Who doesn't love singing a children's song? I, and most of my family, are horrible singers. But nobody can mess up a children's song. And the feeling you get from singing can't be replaced by many things. Especially singing along with so many other voices.
I thinkI am going to pop in one of my old CDs from my teaching days and dream of being in a better place.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Business Trips

I am sitting in a hotel room right now in Seymour, Indiana. Drove almost 6 hours to get here for a 3 hour meeting and then heading back home tomorrow morning.

As I may have mentioned before I have had to make a career change. Not by choice but have been lucky enough to find a new job that is challenging and interesting.

One of the things I like about this job is the ability to go on a business trip. I just love saying those words. It sounds so grown up.

The first business trip I went on was quite a contrast to any trip I took as a teacher.

My manager and I drove together. (Just like teachers, trying to save gas)

We met with another person and had dinner.(Just like teachers, meeting with colleagues.)

We went to the hotel, checked in and my manager said, "OK, see you at 8 a.m.".(Not like teachers.)

What, it was only 7:00 in the evening. What was I going to do for the rest of the night? I got to my room and the first thing I did was call a friend of mine who is still teaching. I shared with her what just happened and she and I had a good laugh. This business world stuff sucks sometimes.

This is how the evening would have gone had I been with teachers.

Drive together, laugh, share classroom horror stories, family gripes, etc.

Check into the hotel, sharing a room because the school district can't afford each to have their own. Sometimes up to 5 in a room with a roll bed.

Find the nearest bar, have some drinks, dinner, etc.

Go back to the hotel, put on your jammies and decide who's room everyone will meet in to hang out.

So, anyway, I am alone in a hotel room, about to go buy a book so I can look pathetic at a restaurant while I eat and read. I still like saying I am on a business trip though, just minus the fun.

Sunday, January 25, 2009


Friends. How many can we have in a lifetime and what do we do to keep them in our lives. As I have mentioned before I graduated in 1985 from Wayne Memorial High School with an awesome group of people.

Now I do admit, there are many people I do not remember their names but a lot I do. There are some people from high school that I cannot believe I have let our friendship fall by the wayside.

I just got home from the bar. Since joining Facebook I have enjoyed connecting with people I have not spoken to in years. A group of us decided to meet for some drinks. I was a little nervous about going. I do not look the same as I did in high school and as mentioned in an earlier blog, all those feelings of insecurity start coming out of hiding from the deepest part of my being.

But I had an absolutely awesome time. I miss these people so much. It is too bad our lives are filled with so much obligation that we do not have the time to really nurture these friendships.

I think too often in my life I have been so protective of revealing who I am that I have missed out on a lot. It is such a good feeling to just "let it all hang out". The older I get the more I realize how alike each member of the human species is. I truly do care about these people and wish I had not let so many years slip by.

Thanks friends, for loving me as I am.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Looking for time!

I have been sitting at the computer for the last hour reading blogs, updating my status on Facebook, reading people's walls, etc. The whole evening I have been complaining about how much I have to do and how overwhelmed I am. What the hell am I doing then?
Do you ever feel like things would be great if you could just have an evening with absolutely nothing to do except sit and read or watch tv? I feel that way a lot. But whenever I get an opportunity like that I totally waste it. Do I really want an evening like that or am I just looking for a reason to complain. I don't think I know how to relax.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

High School Feelings

About a month ago I joined Facebook and have connected with a lot of people from high school. Even after 23 years it is amazing how people basically remain the same.

I really enjoy peeking at it every day to see how people are doing. Some of the people I truly miss and cannot believe we did not have a closer connection throughout the many years since.

Some days it feels like it was yesterday.

What truly amazes me is that I still have deep rooted feelings that still come to the surface. I think I was a pretty well adjusted teenager. I had a lot of friends a a few best friends. But I have spent many years working on my self confidence. I always had a tendency to care too much about what others thought of me. I thought I was past all that but when looking at everyones Facebook I have a nagging feeling that I still care how I am perceived.

Damn! After all this time I should really not give a shit.