Saturday, March 21, 2009

A Week From Hell

Well, it has been one horrible week and I am glad it is over. We had 20 lay offs. I was worried it was me for a while but then discovered I was safe.
It is difficult to be so happy you are not losing your job but know that some very valuable people are.
Then there are the people that you wonder why they were still around anyway.
A lot of different emotions to deal with.

I also took my first midterm in a lot of years. I love being back in school. I love the smell of schools. But I was so stressed out over this test that makes up only 10% of my grade. I even figured out if I totally flunked it I would still have a B in the class.
Well, after postponing the test for a few days I finally went in to take it and of course it was not as bad as I thought.

Met with friends at the bar tonight. It is always nice to relax with people you care about. I just wish my husband would get home. I am tired of him working out of state but know with the economy this may last for a while.

Miss you honey!

1 comment:

Random Thinker said...

Now that that's over you can get back to the business of keeping the worker down. Carry on.