Monday, November 24, 2008

Blog Names

OK, I have had my arm twisted. I will start a blog. (Thanks to my sister)

It took me about a week though to come up with a blog name I was happy with. I didn't want to sound too cute or too serious. I asked my husband how he would describe me and he said, "I don't know". ( Maybe because I asked him while he was half asleep.) I remembered at one time though he referred to me as natural.

I like the sound of that. Natural to me means I don't need too much to make myself happy. I like the basics. My bills paid and a clean house. Time with my family and friends. I rarely wear make up and don't take too long to get ready in the morning. I think I am a good looking woman but don't need all the primping. I don't have fake nails, wear nail polish or have to wear the latest fashions.

I have been jealous of some woman though. They just seem to be so put together with little effort. They wear the nice clothes and everything matches. Sometimes I want to be like them. But then I think Nah, I am comfortable with who I am. I can always work to improve myself but I will always be me.

Low maintenance. Natural. The question though is, is there really anyone low maintenance. When we consider all the parts of being human I think everyone has stuff they need maintained on a daily basis. Even me.


Random Thinker said...

Awesome name and awesome blog. What about your assignment?

Breezy said...

Just completed it.