Wednesday, November 26, 2008


OK, the real reason I started a Blog(and blamed my sister) is because she tagged me. OK, not the reason but the motivation.

Here is the requirement. "Open the book nearest your computer. No fair hunting for something that sounds intellectual and impressive, to page 56. Post the 5th sentence,plus one or two thereafter for context."

Before I do this though I have to admit I did not know what tagged meant. I just started a Facebook page too. I can't believe the people I have connected with from my high school graduation class. We were a pretty close group of kids by the way.

Anyway, I saw this term tagged in Facebook having to do with pictures. I think of myself as pretty tech savvy, I was usually the one able to problem solve when there was a computer problem at my previous teaching job, but these terms are a bit confusing. Especially if they have more than one meaning. So I guess tagged means identified in pictures or having to do something silly in your blog.

Back to what started this.

"Barren woman cannot go on pilgrimmage to a sacred well; sick men cannot hobble to a shrine. They know themselves to be bereft. Undeniably they have been robbed of much that made their lives happier. And they think that this exquisite other queen, dressed in black with a veil of white...."

This is from "The Other Queen" by Philippa Gregory.

I am almost finished with this book and keep thinking I have read it before. I just can't be sure. I read so many books I have begun to forget what I have read. It could also be that I have read so many books about royalty and Mary Queen of Scots that they are beginning to sound redundant. It is a good book though.

There, sis, tagged out! Is that a term?


Sling said...

Good job Breezy!
Welcome to Bloggertown.

Random Thinker said...

Hey - isn't that my book?